1. Why are display clocks always set to 10:10?

There are a number of visual advantages to having the hands set at the 10:10 positions. The hands are kept from overlapping and having them on both sides of the watch face ensures that the hands themselves are visible and can be appreciated. The 10:10 position is also symmetrical, and the human brain tends to appreciate symmetry and orderliness.

The key details on the face of the watch or clock usually remain visible at 10:10. The logo of the manufacturer is usually found under the 12, and elements, such as date windows, chronograph counters, and other indicators tend to appear at the three, six and nine o'clock positions, so the hands at 10:10 ensure that the view of these features remains unobstructed.

Finally, the 10:10 hands look happy due to the fact that the hands look like a smile or like a 'V' as in victory. Timex is said to have claimed that the industry norm at one point was to photograph all watches at 8:20. However, this made the face of the watch appear as though it was frowning. Hence, this was reversed to have all Timex watches in pictures to tell the time as 10:09:36 to be exact. In fact, this is the guideline they follow even when it comes to depicting their digital watches.

One of the common myths are that timepieces are set at 10:10 to mark the time of death of a notable public figures like John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr., or Abraham Lincoln. However, the truth is that none of these people died at 10:10. Another myth is that specific time was when the atomic bomb was dropped on either Nagasaki or Hiroshima which is also not true.

2. Why do our hands or legs get numb in certain positions?

The most common reason for getting a numb hand or arm is sitting or sleeping in the same position for a long time. Postural habits that put pressure on nerves or reduce blood flow in the lower limbs are the most common cause of temporary numbness in the legs and feet. The medical term for numbness is transient (temporary) paresthesia. Everyone experiences numbness, tingling, or a burning sensation on occasion and it usually resolves within minutes.

Some of the habits that can cause the feet and legs to fall asleep include crossing the legs for too long, sitting or kneeling for long periods, sitting on the feet or wearing pants, socks, or shoes that are too tight. However, long-lasting or unexplained numbness may be a sign of an underlying medical condition.

A doctor should be consulted if there's no obvious cause for continuing numbness and tingling, feel dizzy, have muscle spasms, or have a rash. The symptoms should be discussed if our legs worsen when we walk or if we're urinating more frequently than usual.

If your cartilage, muscles, or tendons put too much pressure on a nerve, it might not be able to work right. This can cause numbness. An injury or overuse can cause a pinched nerve. Sometimes it's due to health problems like arthritis, a narrowing of the spaces between the bones in your spine, or a tumor on the spine.

3. What are the long term effects of using hand sanitizer regularly?

Hand sanitizer has proven itself useful in killing germs, but using it can have side effects. These side-effects are however short-term and often mild. The side effects of your hand sanitizer will come down to the alcohol percentage we're using. Even if it is low, the sanitizer may also contain other antiseptic ingredients that have been known to cause side effects.

When we're applying hand sanitizer to our hands multiple times each day, the product is taking moisture out of our skin. This can result in skin that's dry, flaky, redness, discoloration, bleeding and sensitive to the touch. There are situations when the hand sanitizer dries, itchy and red or discolored eczema patches tend to appear on hands. That's because if the person has eczema, the chemicals can actually make the symptoms worse. It's easy enough to accidentally touch your eyes, but the high levels of alcohol in hand sanitizer can actually cause chemical burns on the outer layer of your eye. Typically, damage caused by hand sanitizer to your eyes will completely heal.

They sometimes contains an ingredient called triclosan which is intended to kill bacteria, and has been used in products from toothpaste to body wash. The FDA also says some studies have indicated that high exposure to triclosan may disrupt natural hormone cycles, even impact fertility and may be contributing to the rise in antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

The high amounts of alcohol and other ingredients make hand sanitizers unsafe for human consumption. Anyone who swallows a significant quantity of sanitizer can get sick with symptoms that resemble alcohol poisoning. A small amount of alcohol can cause alcohol poisoning in children that is responsible for confusion, vomiting and drowsiness, and in severe cases, respiratory arrest and death.

When we use these hand sanitizers, there is potentially a small amount of exposure to these alcohols through inhalation because as we use them, they evaporate, and we can inhale a little bit of it. But the amount there is miniscule. And, besides, there is ethanol in very small amounts already in foods and other sources in your routine environment. Isopropanol, as well, is very close to other metabolites in the body. The amounts we are being exposed to through inhalation is very low.

4. Why do humans have different types of hair?


Although the genes passed down from a child's parents determine hair color, variations can result in a child having a different hair color than both parents. The parents can unknowingly carry an unexpressed hair gene that can pass to their child which explains why siblings can have different shades of hair. Sometimes, unexpected hair color can occur in a child because of a genetic mutation.

Two types of melanin, determine hair color. Large amounts of very dense eumelanin produce black hair. Moderate somewhat dense amounts result in brown hair. Very little and thinly dispersed amounts result in blonde hair. If you have mostly pheomelanin with a little eumelanin, red hair is the result. Darker hair is more prevalent among people in the southern hemisphere, and lighter hair is more common in the northern hemisphere. Darker hair is associated with areas of harsh sunlight, and lighter hair with areas of less sunshine. However, there are many exceptions due to genetics, migration of people, and other factors.

Hair color usually darkens as genes are turned on and off during childhood and puberty. Later in life, hair can turn gray and white as fewer pigment cells produce and store melanin. Gray hair has only a little pigment in it, while white hair has no pigment.


The hair follicle is a complex, multi-cellular compartment, buried deep inside your skin. Straight hair follicles produce straight hair fibers, while curly hair grows from curved follicles. Curly hair includes a wide range of hair fiber shapes, ranging from twists and crimps, to waves and kinks. The shape of each hair follicle is thought to be determined during embryonic development. Curvy hair follicles are “S-shaped,” meaning that they have two bends.

Each hair grows for around 3 to 5 years before undergoing a resting phase of several months, and then, eventually, it falls out. During this resting phase, the hair follicle changes in structure, essentially shriveling up in the skin. To start a new cycle of hair growth, the follicle grows back to its original shape. Curvy follicles always grow back curvy.

In addition to the shape of the hair follicle, scientists believe that differences in cell behavior during hair fiber production contribute to hair shape. In straight hair, all the cells in the follicle act in a coordinated fashion, leading to even hair growth from the straight follicle. However, in curly hair, the way that the cells divide and produce certain proteins is asymmetrical and correlates with the bends in the curved follicle. This results in a hair fiber that has an elliptical shape, which allows it to curl.

5. Are frozen foods safe to consume regularly?

Historically, frozen foods have gotten a bad rating from dietitians and consumers alike. All of us have a lot of myths about it and the preference for consumption of certain frozen foods. The right way to deal with this is to look at the nutrition facts and ingredient labels like fruit and vegetable content, nutrient content, fiber, sodium, saturated fat and trans fat.

Since fruits and vegetables are harvested at their peak ripeness and flash-frozen within hours of harvesting, in many instances, frozen foods contain more nutrients than their fresh counterparts that have traveled miles in a truck to your grocery store for a few days. This is important because the cellular integrity of the food is not damaged, which allows all the nutrients to be fully retained and preserved.

Today, many food manufacturers are working to meet demands of health-conscious consumers. They're creating lots of low-calorie, low-sodium foods that are filled with vegetables, grains, and lean proteins. If there is no sodium or sodium chloride on the label, all the salt comes from the food in the meal.

Another point on this topic comes with dealing with frozen foods. Those that were thawed in the fridge and not on the counter can be returned to the freezer. However, for the latter case, the food cannot be returned to the freezer safely. We might want to consider throwing it out entirely. When food sits out in the 5°C — 60°C for more than two hours, it's a bacteria breeding ground which could leave us sick.

If we plan to put food into our freezer for later, we need to prepare them with proper storage techniques. Unpackage and rewrap everything we plan to freeze in freezer-safe bags or wraps. Get as much air out of the package as possible before we put it into the freezer. If we're freezing vegetables, we need to add an extra step to the process: blanch and dry the plant foods before you freeze them. Freezing doesn't affect the calorie count, the fiber content, amount of fat, protein, carbohydrates, sugar or the mineral content of a food. The freezing process can make a difference with a few vitamins, but most of a food's nutritional value will be maintained after freezing.


  1. Clocks: The main reason is quite simple and obvious: aesthetics. 10:10 shows symmetry with hands not overlapping, the manufacturer logo near 12 is clearly visible and it looks like a happy smiling face.
  2. Numbness: Certain postural habits put pressure on nerves or reduce blood flow in the lower limbs which causes temporary numbness in that body part known as transient paresthesia. Long-lasting or unexplained numbness may be a sign of an underlying medical condition.
  3. Sanitizer: When hand sanitizer is used correctly, side effects and risks are minimal. When we overuse the product, it can cause dry hands and cracked skin. Some ingredients in hand sanitizer, such as triclosan, may cause health complications if you are exposed to them in large amounts or consumed through mouth.
  4. Hair: The hair color is determined from the genes from parents, sometimes through unexpressed hair genes or genetic mutation. The amount of eumelanin and pheomelanin controls the darkness/lightness of hair. The shape of each hair follicle is thought to be determined during embryonic development which decides if the hair will be curvy or straight.
  5. Frozen food: The act of freezing doesn't make food healthy or unhealthy — it really depends upon the nutritional content of the food that gets frozen. Frozen fruits and vegetables can be just as nutrient-dense as their fresh counterparts, but frozen foods like pizzas, snacks, and entrees can be less nutrient-dense and unhealthy. It is important to read the nutrients labels.

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